I Hate This Song!

Written By: Michelle Lynn Tackett

Lots of songs bring me happiness and make me feel so good. Songs that make me think and songs that make me cry. Music has a profound impact on us, and I have a lot of songs that are on my favorite song lists of all time.

Then, there’s the opposite, songs that are the bane of my existence. Songs that are so painful that I wish I could be back in the womb. Someone Please knock me out and give me amnesia. I want to forget! One song stands heads and shoulders above the rest. A song so bad, the second it comes on I do a 100 meter marathon to clear the awful noise coming out. Which song is it? Read on to find out.

I was in high school and I was standing in front of the TV because I was hooked on MTV, and until YouTube, MTV became our place to watch music videos.

As I was sitting on the floor waiting for the next video. My mind raced, what video would blow my mind!

I got excited, the screen went blank, and my love for rock. Instead, I got a poorly produced, atrociously written  and it sounded like someone was choking on a life size lemon.

Smells Like Teen Spirit came on and I hated the song with a purple passion as the words came out faster than diarrhea at a taco party. The chords were so boring! It’s the same rhythm and sound only on different parts of the guitar.

I got so bored I fell asleep. What in the blue hell did I listen to? Why was it so bad? And, what was the purpose of recording this song?! To drive me to an early grave. Smells like Teen Spirit is the worst song I’ve ever heard. Even Kurt Hurt himself admitted he wrote the song to insult how bad the music industry’s taste in music is. He succeeded.

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